LEAD:Dean ‘Prilladog’ Carter – Project Lead Dean has worked on Fallout: London since its conception. True to the game itself, he was born on the outskirts of London and attended University College London (UCL) for computer science and history.When not running Fallout: London, Dean finds himself travelling the world with over 60 countries to his name. Link: https://www.artstation.com/prilladog ART:Emily ‘Saffron-rice’ Kemp – Lead 2D Artist Emily was born, raised and educated in Plymouth, England and joined the Fallout London team as a texture artist after wanting a change from filling small mod requests. She has since gained more skill as she has worked to create textures that suit Fallout London’s world – rust and dirt have become her specialty. Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-kemp-783147215/ ART: Jordan ‘SunnyDelight’ Albon – Lead 3D Artist From the heartland itself ‘SunnyDelight’ has been part of the Fallout London Team since it’s conception being it’s original 3D artist for unique assets. After the project’s original concept, MA studies consumed the time he was able to commit to the team meaning a long break from modding was in order, however since his return he has contributed to the team in many different and fantastic ways, truly being back with a vengeance to create new assets for the team. Link: https://www.artstation.com/c3delight ART:Matthew ‘Mr. Sandman’ Espinosa – Co-Lead 3D Artist Matthew Espinosa is from Canada, and is a self-taught 3D artist. Formally trained as a Mason, Matthew put down the trowel and took up 3D modelling in early 2021. When not creating assets for Fallout: London, Matthew is honing his 3D skills with different application like Blender, Marvelous Designer, and Substance painter. Link: https://www.artstation.com/m_esp89 ART:Matthew ‘EdgeUK90’ Gibbs – Co-Lead 3D Artist Matthew is a self-taught prop and environment artist specialising in vehicles and hard surface models. He employs years of experience working as a vehicle technician and as an amateur race car driver that he uses as a basis for his work. In his free time, Matthew works on improving his skills as a 3D artist attempting to make the pivot from the motor vehicle industry into the games industry.” Link: https://www.artstation.com/edgeuk90 ART:Daniel ‘Dan Carmine’ Krutak – Co-Lead 3D Artist A charity assistant manager by day and a 3D prop artist by night, is always seeking ways to cram more hours into each day simply to be more productive. A man with many hobbies and interests, he enjoys expressing himself through every design he creates, blending form with function. Link: https://www.artstation.com/dancarmine SCRIPTING:Vladislav ‘AliBaba’ Butyrin – Lead Scripter Hailing from the Russian Federation and having studied at Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Vladislav joined Fallout: London as a 3D artist and quickly proved his worth to become the 3D Department Head.Vladislav is skilled in a variety of different software programs, and is always on hand to teach others. Link: https://www.artstation.com/alibabaint LEVEL DESIGN:Joe ‘Wolfy’ Wills – Lead Level Designer Joe was born and raised in Kent, England and educated at Canterbury College. He has existed in the Bethesda gaming community for many years and helped many smaller projects in the Fallout modding scene before settling on Fallout: London. Joe has tirelessly hammered away at level design in some of the most crucial areas of London whilst also managing the team’s version control. Link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VgzXJ4 LEVEL DESIGN:Jean ‘DjxJt13’ Martel – Co-Lead Level Designer Jean-François is educated in art and design. Jean-François uses his artistic skill-set to turn the London borough of Camden into a cinematic masterpiece.When not deep in the Creation Kit, French-Canadian Jean-François can be found mountain biking around the beautiful landscape of Québec. Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-fran%C3%A7ois-martel-80a172215/ MEDIA:Daniel ‘Dansky’ Morrison Neil – Lead Music and Sound Effects Daniel is a composer, sound designer and artist from Scotland, where he studied his bachelors in Fine Arts and his Masters in Sound for the Moving Image. Daniel is obsessive with all things audio related and is always looking for new and exciting sounds to experiment with. Link: https://soundcloud.com/danielismakingmsomemusic/dansky WRITING:Callum J. Quick – Lead Writer Born in London, Callum moved out to the rural county of Bedfordshire at a young age. His passion for Fallout and Elder Scrolls would eventually lead to making game development his hobby. After years of writing and programming for indie games, Callum joined Fallout: London as a writer. As head of department, his main focus will be putting pen to paper and bringing the mod’s world to life through dialogue. Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/callumjquick/ PUBLIC RELATIONS:Alex ‘ToastBoy’ Williamson – Head of PR Alex was raised in Kent, England and educated at UKC in computer science. He now works as a web developer.Alex grew up doing graphic design and programming and has joined the Fallout: London team as a web developer and as Head of Public Relations. Link: https://github.com/contexttodata